Thursday, November 18, 2010

'Tis the Season

There is alot of hussle and bustle right now. Getting ready for Thanksgiving, shopping for Christmas, parties, fun, get togethers. Lots of stuff to do. So why do I not feel like doing any of it? In my last post I talked about how I am out of that slump... and i really believe that slowly but surely I am coming out of it... but its suuuuuch a slow process! Seriously... WHAT GIVES?! Why can't I snap my fingers and be fixed??

Well we got a huuuge blow to our current situation... one that has put us back significantly and we're not sure where to go from here. I personally love November-December 30th. Not at all because of the weather, because I hate the cold, but because of the spirit of the season. Its usually so joyous, filled with love, giving, and celebration. And now, because of this punch in the proverbial face of our life, the holidays have lost their joy.  Trust me I know that Christmas is not about gifts but I can't get past the idea that the more I give materialistically the better I will feel.

::Sigh:: I also want to complain about something that is really pissing me off. EMPLOYERS: Do NOT put up a job posting unless YOU ARE ACTUALLY HIRING FOR THE POSITION. I dont know how many applications I have put in only to get an email or something an hour to a day later saying Oh I'm sorry the position has been filled. Its really frustrating! And its not helping with my feeling of hopelessness! **Ok... I"m off my soap box**

I"m really trying to work on being thankful for all the things I am given and entrusted with. I have 3 beautiful and smart children. I have a husband who loves me (most of the time lol) and I have a roof over my head. Life is NOT that bad... I just need to meditate on that.

What are YOU thankful for?!

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